What does it mean if something is on reserve?


Reserve means that a book, movie, or article has been set aside by an instructor for students in a particular class. Items that are on reserve can usually only be borrowed for three hours at a time, so that all students in a course can have access to them.    

Print reserves (like textbooks) and other physical items on reserve (like DVDs) are located behind the Circulation Desk on the library’s first floor.  Electronic items on reserve are listed here.  https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/services/reserve/

If you are not sure how to find something that’s on reserve, we are happy to help you. 

If you need an item that's on reserve for longer than three hours, we can help you request a copy from another library via Summit!


  • Last Updated Jan 13, 2021
  • Views 332
  • Answered By

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